Saturday 29 April 2023

My review on L2 Teaching Methods


L2 Teaching methods along with your review of them

Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the early part of the twenty century. Central to this process was the emergence of the concept of methods of language teaching. There are three main concepts in second language teaching namely method, approach and technique. According to Edward Anthony, the approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning and teaching. The method is an overall plan for the systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach. Techniques are the specific activities used in the classroom that are consistent with a method. Therefore, they are in harmony with an approach as well.

This discussion is about the methods of second language teaching. Some of them are;

  1. The Direct method
  2. Grammar-translation
  3. Audio-lingual
  4. The structural approach
  5. Communicative language teaching.


               1. The direct method

In this method, the teaching is done entirely in the target language. The learner is not allowed to use his or her mother tongue. Grammar rules are avoided and there is an emphasis on good pronunciation.


1. Reading and writing are major focuses with no emphasis on speaking and listening.

2. Vocabulary teaching is based on the reading texts selected.

3. Grammar is taught deductively.

4. Emphasis of the lessons is given for translating sentences.

5. The students’ native language is the medium of instruction. Comparisons.

Teaching techniques

1Reading passage

2. Translation 

3. Summarizing

4. Memorization

5. Grammar exercises with example

The direct method is one of the teaching methods that teachers use to non-native languages. Hence, if some students do not understand some of the spoken words by the teacher, but he can display clear visual for these words, which help the student to learn English oral communication in a fun way. The direct method of teaching languages plays an important role in developing oral communication skills.

        2. Grammar-translation method

Learning is largely by translation to and from the target language. Grammar rules are to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary are learned by heart.  There is little or no emphasis placed on developing oral ability.


1. The classroom instruction should be done exclusively in the target language.

2. The main purpose of language learning is communication.

3. Grammar should be taught inductively.

4. Correct pronunciation is emphasized from the beginning.

5. The syllabus is based on the situations but not on linguistic structures.

Goals of the direct Method

1To teach communication in the target language.

2. Make students able to think in the target language.

Learning process

1. The teacher should never use the native language in the class-room.

2. In introducing a new word/phrase or new concept the teacher can use realia, pictures or pantomime.

3. New vocabulary is taught asking them to use them in sentences.

Teaching technique

1. Paragraph writing

2. Map drawing

3. Fill in the blanks exercise

4. Conversations between the teacher and the student and between students.

5. The conversations include grammar structures so that they will learn them.

      3.  Audio-lingual method

The theory behind this method is that learning a language means acquiring habits. There is much practice of dialogues of every situation. New language is first heard and extensively drilled before being seen in its written form.


1. Present in dialogue form.

2. Mistake

3. Less use of L1

4. Repeat

5. Important of pronunciation


1. Role play and memorizing

2. Background building

3. Repetition of drills

4. Substitution drills

5. Multiple 

      4. The structural approach

This method sees language as a complex of grammatical rules which are to be learned on at a time in a set order. So for example; the verb “to be” is introduced and practiced before the present continuous tense which uses “to be” as an auxiliary.

       5.  Communicative language teaching

The focus of this method is enable the learner to communicate effectively and appropriately in the various situations she would be likely to find herself in. the content of the communicative language teaching courses are functions such as inviting, suggesting, complaining or notions such as expression of time, quantity, location.

In this method, first the teacher should create the classroom activities to encourage the learners for the acquisition in second language learning. Later, learning activities should perform with exercise and homework. Speaking activities are more important than reading and writing activities. Activities can give the level that the learners have. The teacher allows the learners to use the language they want. It will be them collaboration, fluency and comfort in second language learning. They automatically acquire the learning process and able to communicate with other in speaking and writing.








1. Johnson, R. K. (ed.) 1989. The Second language Curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2. Mcdonough, J. and Shaw, C. 1993. Materials and Methods in Language Teaching. A Teacher's Guide. Oxford: Blackwell.

3. Rogers, Carl. "The Direct Method." Alternative Methods. New York: Columbia UP, 2012.

4. Gatenby, E. V. A Direct Method English Course. London: Longman, 1958.


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