Tuesday 6 December 2022

My comment

Making a short description and identifying an effective classroom

According to this video, a highly effective classroom is committed in implementing effective instructional strategies to achieve greater student growth. In this classroom strategies are used such as high-academic standard, high-order thinking, open-ended responses, problem solving skill and authentic connection. And these tools have been used to transformed students into 21st century.

Students activity in classroom

The student were given necessary materials that enabled them adhere to the suggested time frame and gave the opportunity to work alone or in a group. By teaching in this way the students are allowed to meet his/her own level. There are three activities in the list;

·       Required activity – necessary content

·       Choice activity – giving a freedom

·       Extension activity – given more time to do

This activity done by the students in the classroom and help them learning a particular subject area. The activities are connected to an authentic task completed by the students. It ignites the motivation and desire for learning.

Rubric - Rubric contains all the requirements to complete the task. That gives a clear understanding of how to complete tasks.

Benchmark Lesson - During a benchmark lesson the students are responsible for taking down a note. The Benchmark lesson covers an important point of a new concept.

Mini Lesson - Mini lesson targets a specific student need.

Facilitation Grid – Facilitation grid is the tool used by the teacher to keep track of student learning progress.

Resource Area – Resource area is the deign that gives the students choice and accessibility by providing access and lots of materials. The resource area supports students independent and responsibility.

Help Board – The help board is the way for student to identify their instruction or need. The teacher uses the help board to guide student learning.

Two Pocket Folder – Two pocket folder is used to organize classwork and monitor progress.

The Highly Effective Classroom -  The highly effective classroom is implement and effective instruction and practices to achieve greater student growth.

This learning process helps to encourage the learners about learning and their confidence levels will be increased in order to become responsible members of the classroom. I personally believe that this is actually a highly effective classroom that motivates and sustains the motivation throughout.

My view

Do you like this class? Why?

Yes, I like this class because in this class we can see the discipline of the students toward their teacher. The seating arrangement is also good for a discussion and to engage with each other. The teacher is using pictures/flash cards. The teacher makes sure that everybody participates by giving them a certain task and by asking their experience in life.

Here we can see a group discussion which is very effective to improve student thinking, listening, speaking and personality development etc. The group discussion also promotes one’s confidence level. The teacher is using a portrait of astronaut, farmer, artist, bus driver, doctor etc., to teach the students by asking their views regarding the portrait. In this class every student is participating giving their answers. Further, in this way it helps the students to broaden their knowledge and improve skills.

The teacher is very friendly with the students and the students were very comfortable with the teacher. The classroom is very peaceful, comfortable, and exciting as well as enjoyable for the students. 


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