Sunday 14 May 2023

My experiences on learning English as a second language


Your experiences on learning English as a second language

Language is the best way to communicate with each other. As humans, we all have a native language. As far as I am concerned, my first language is Tai Khamti but I can learn many languages due to the current improvement of the education system. It is a psychological requirement for Homo sapiens to live as clusters. In that context, inter-personal communication is an essential fact. Lack of proper communication can cause many problems. Therefore, it’s time to contemplate on the importance of learning a second language.

I was born in Pangen Village, Nmasai District Arunachal Pradesh India. There is an English medium school and I used to go there until 8 grade and I become a monk, so I left my school in 2014. In my lifetime I have studied English at monastery so, I did not get that opportunity to involve in English practice so that’s why it take me a long time to get into it. But now I am trying my best to learn something new.

If I compare my experience before and now, I can totally understand that there is a learning process which we have to follow and also learning English as a second language is very complicated that we cannot just suggest others that you can do this and you will improve your English. So, I decided to learn English as a second language because I wanted to improve my skills and increase my Knowledge for study so I used to translate a words from Hindi to English and English to Hindi. And English is the most widely spoken language in the world and is used everywhere in the world. Therefore, I believed that learning English would be a valuable asset in both my personal and professional life. That is why, I learn English language.

There are four skills in the English language they are – listing, speaking, reading and writing. So in this article, I am going to share my experience with learning English. So back in India I think I never get that kind of opportunity to speak with the audience and then I came here in 2020. Then I get to involve in many different programs. Among them, English camp really helped me and also in our university, at our leisure time, we talked about their culture, their lifestyle and everything with friends. So I think I learnt a lot.

Although Tai Khamti is my mother tongue, I have enthusiasm for learning English language as my second language. Because it can offer me some great advantage. Being able to read many books written in English language is the major reason for that. Likewise, we can watch English movie, listen to English songs in their original version.

In addition, I studied second language teaching methods, learning theory and history of English literature in-depth at the University of Sri Lanka. During this period, another challenge I faced was speaking and listening to English in real-life situations. I often felt nervous and self-conscious about making mistakes or not understanding what others were saying. However, I realized that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process, and that practice and exposure were the keys to improving my speaking and listening skills.

To overcome this challenge, I used to go classes, library, the mostly important is I joined outside English class. In English class we have conversation and listening periods also I participated in every language exchange programs. This provided me with opportunities to practice my speaking, listening, writing and reading skills with friends and teachers. I also tried to speak English as much as possible, even in situations where I could have used my native language. This helped me to improve my language skills and knowledge.

Learning English has changed my life. It has made me proud when I speak in English with foreigner and native sparkers. Besides, allowed me to explore opportunities in academic field, and helped me build important connections with people from different parts of the world.

There are many advantages of learning the English language. One can travel anywhere in the world when he or she is fully confident in English fluency. In addition to those reasons, I have already planned to use the English language in my higher studies. Soon after my examination is over, I expect to follow an English course. Then, I will be able to use the English language to enter a reputed foreign university easily. Because knowledge wrapped in the English language will not be a knot to me anymore.

In addition, learning English is a challenging experience in life. But when you understand the important of learning English is make you self-proud and one day you will achieve your goals. Finally, as far as the above matters are concerned, we can come to a clear idea on “The importance of learning second language”.

Saturday 29 April 2023

My review on L2 Learning Theories

L2 Learning Theories along with your review of them.

Knowledge of L2 learning theories is highly helpful in teaching English. A successful English teacher is able to blend theoretical knowledge of language learning that explains how the learning and teaching process should be done with actual teaching practically. The theories of L2 learning clearly explains all the aspects of language teaching in detail. It is very important for English teachers to follow theories and base their teaching on them.

There are many theories that are used for the development of second language teaching. A teacher should apply these methods to achieve his/her language teaching. Among them, Behaviorism, Innativism, and Krashen's Monitor Model theories provide theoretical hypotheses in language learning.


The main principle in behaviourism is that language learning is a type of imitation in that the learners tend to imitate what they hear and learn from the environment. Thus, in teaching English to students whose mother tongue is Sinhala and in addition to that, many might have learnt English as their second or third language sometimes. Thus, the learners should be given good opportunities for imitation and habit formation.

They learned the second language through a series of drills involving imitation, repetition and practice. Behaviourist view of the process of a child’s language acquisition in the following steps;

1.     Stimuli

2.     Imitation

3.     Reinforcement

4.     Repetition

5.     Habit formation

Moreover, what is the most important is the environment in learning an L2. Thus, the teacher should be able to create an English environment in the class exposing the learners to English as far as possible. The teacher can expose the learners to the speeches and videos of native speakers. Another important fact that teachers should consider is reinforcement, especially, positive reinforcement. When the teachers reinforce the learners by different ways like praising they will be encouraged to repeat the behaviour.

On the other hand, errors also should be corrected at the moment the teacher sees them before they become a habit. In this manner, L2 learning also takes place in the form of any habit formation. So, the teacher’s responsibility is to form positive habits in learners towards L2 learning.



Innativism, also called Universal Grammar was developed by Noam Chomsky who is an American Linguist. Language is an innate capacity. A child’s brain contains a special language learning mechanism at birth. Every child has a “Language Acquisition Device”. Children need only minimum language exposure to prim the LAD. He mentioned that children were born with the ability to acquire language. He argued that language acquisition of children be related to their innate ability of biological language device (LAD).

Chomsky asserted that children were born with a hard-wired language acquisition device. He asserted that children were born with the instinct or “innate facility” for acquiring language. The LAD is a postulated organ in the brain supposed to function as a congenital device for language acquisition. LAD encodes the major principles of a language and its grammatical structure into the child’s brain. This theory contradicted B.F. Skinner’s theory of behaviourism and operant conditioning. Regarding the principles of Universal Grammar, some argue that UG theory is not successful in explaining L2 because most L2 learners have passed their critical age when they start learning an L2. But the UG theorists argue that even though most L2 learners start learning an L2 after their critical age, they also produce a better output than the input showing that their language acquisition is influenced by LAD.

Karshen’s Monitor Model

Krashen’s Monitor Model which includes five hypotheses is also highly useful in teaching English. The first hypothesis, the Acquisition-Learning hypothesis differentiates language learning and acquisition enabling the teacher to use both processes effectively in the class. Thus, teachers should consider Krashen’s emphasis on the effectiveness of acquisition in L2 learning.

Monitor Model is a highly influential model of second language learning developed by Krashen based on five basic hypotheses;

1. The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis.

2. The Monitor Hypothesis.

3. The Natural Order Hypothesis. 

4. The Input Hypothesis.

5. The Affective Filter Hypothesis.

The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis

According to Krashen, there are two independent systems: the acquired system is the product of a subconscious process it requires meaningful interaction in the target language. The learned system is the product of formal instruction and learning. It involves a conscious process which results in conscious knowledge about the target language. According to Krashen, learning is less important than acquisition.

In this Hypothesis learner can learn the language very easily, from the environment, parents, friends etc. So, learner should not try hard to understand the first language.

The Monitor Hypothesis – The Monitor hypothesis explains the relationship between acquisition and learning and defines the influence of the latter on the former. The monitoring function is the practical result of the learned grammar. According to Krashen, the acquisition system is the utterance initiator, while the learning system performs the role of the 'monitor' or the 'editor'. The 'monitor' acts in a planning, editing and correcting function when three specific conditions are met:

1. Sufficient time.

2. Focus on form.

3. Knowing the rule.

It appears that the role of conscious learning is somewhat limited in second language performance. According to Krashen, the role of the monitor is minor, being used only to correct deviations from normal speech and to give a speech a more polished appearance.

The Natural Order Hypothesis - The acquisition of grammatical structure follows a natural order which is predictable. This order seemed to be independent of the learner’s age L1 background, conditions of exposure, and although the agreement between individual acquires was not always in the studies, there were statistically significant similarities that reinforced the existence of a natural order of language acquisition. However, Krashen points out that the implication of the natural order hypothesis is not that a language program syllabus should have been based on the order found in the studies. In fact, he rejects grammatical sequencing when the goal is language acquisition.

The Input Hypothesis - The input hypothesis is Krashen’s attempt to explain how the learner acquires a second language. The input hypothesis is only concerned with acquisition, not learning. According to this hypothesis, the learner improves and progresses along the natural order when he/she receives second language input that is one step beyond his/her current stage of linguistic competence. It will take place the learner more effectively to achieve second language learning.

The Affective Filter Hypothesis - The affective filter hypothesis embodies Krashen’s view that a number of affective factors like motivation, self-confidence, anxiety, personality traits, and learners’ attitudes and beliefs play a facilitative role in second language acquisition. Krashen claims that learners with high motivation, self-confidence, a good self-image, a low level of anxiety and extroversion are better equipped for success in second language acquisition.

Considering these facts, it is clear that knowledge of L2 theories is highly effective in teaching English. In teaching English to students or to any other students, the teacher can use both subject knowledge and theoretical knowledge effectively.






1. Bialystok, E. 1990 Communication Strategies: A Psychological Analysis of Second-Language Use Oxford Black well Google Scholar

2. Second Language Learning theories by Rosamond Mitchell, Florence Myles, Emma Marsden.

3. Language Learning Theories Miles.

4. 2. Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge University Press.)



My review on L2 Teaching Methods


L2 Teaching methods along with your review of them

Language teaching came into its own as a profession in the early part of the twenty century. Central to this process was the emergence of the concept of methods of language teaching. There are three main concepts in second language teaching namely method, approach and technique. According to Edward Anthony, the approach is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning and teaching. The method is an overall plan for the systematic presentation of language based on a selected approach. Techniques are the specific activities used in the classroom that are consistent with a method. Therefore, they are in harmony with an approach as well.

This discussion is about the methods of second language teaching. Some of them are;

  1. The Direct method
  2. Grammar-translation
  3. Audio-lingual
  4. The structural approach
  5. Communicative language teaching.


               1. The direct method

In this method, the teaching is done entirely in the target language. The learner is not allowed to use his or her mother tongue. Grammar rules are avoided and there is an emphasis on good pronunciation.


1. Reading and writing are major focuses with no emphasis on speaking and listening.

2. Vocabulary teaching is based on the reading texts selected.

3. Grammar is taught deductively.

4. Emphasis of the lessons is given for translating sentences.

5. The students’ native language is the medium of instruction. Comparisons.

Teaching techniques

1Reading passage

2. Translation 

3. Summarizing

4. Memorization

5. Grammar exercises with example

The direct method is one of the teaching methods that teachers use to non-native languages. Hence, if some students do not understand some of the spoken words by the teacher, but he can display clear visual for these words, which help the student to learn English oral communication in a fun way. The direct method of teaching languages plays an important role in developing oral communication skills.

        2. Grammar-translation method

Learning is largely by translation to and from the target language. Grammar rules are to be memorized and long lists of vocabulary are learned by heart.  There is little or no emphasis placed on developing oral ability.


1. The classroom instruction should be done exclusively in the target language.

2. The main purpose of language learning is communication.

3. Grammar should be taught inductively.

4. Correct pronunciation is emphasized from the beginning.

5. The syllabus is based on the situations but not on linguistic structures.

Goals of the direct Method

1To teach communication in the target language.

2. Make students able to think in the target language.

Learning process

1. The teacher should never use the native language in the class-room.

2. In introducing a new word/phrase or new concept the teacher can use realia, pictures or pantomime.

3. New vocabulary is taught asking them to use them in sentences.

Teaching technique

1. Paragraph writing

2. Map drawing

3. Fill in the blanks exercise

4. Conversations between the teacher and the student and between students.

5. The conversations include grammar structures so that they will learn them.

      3.  Audio-lingual method

The theory behind this method is that learning a language means acquiring habits. There is much practice of dialogues of every situation. New language is first heard and extensively drilled before being seen in its written form.


1. Present in dialogue form.

2. Mistake

3. Less use of L1

4. Repeat

5. Important of pronunciation


1. Role play and memorizing

2. Background building

3. Repetition of drills

4. Substitution drills

5. Multiple 

      4. The structural approach

This method sees language as a complex of grammatical rules which are to be learned on at a time in a set order. So for example; the verb “to be” is introduced and practiced before the present continuous tense which uses “to be” as an auxiliary.

       5.  Communicative language teaching

The focus of this method is enable the learner to communicate effectively and appropriately in the various situations she would be likely to find herself in. the content of the communicative language teaching courses are functions such as inviting, suggesting, complaining or notions such as expression of time, quantity, location.

In this method, first the teacher should create the classroom activities to encourage the learners for the acquisition in second language learning. Later, learning activities should perform with exercise and homework. Speaking activities are more important than reading and writing activities. Activities can give the level that the learners have. The teacher allows the learners to use the language they want. It will be them collaboration, fluency and comfort in second language learning. They automatically acquire the learning process and able to communicate with other in speaking and writing.








1. Johnson, R. K. (ed.) 1989. The Second language Curriculum. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2. Mcdonough, J. and Shaw, C. 1993. Materials and Methods in Language Teaching. A Teacher's Guide. Oxford: Blackwell.

3. Rogers, Carl. "The Direct Method." Alternative Methods. New York: Columbia UP, 2012.

4. Gatenby, E. V. A Direct Method English Course. London: Longman, 1958.


Sunday 2 April 2023

Lesson plan and Lesson (Prepositions of Time (on, in, at).


Lesson plan

Topic: Location in sentence                                                                         


ü  To identify rules of prepositions

ü  To see the difference between them

ü  To use preposition correctly

Outcomes: At the end of lesson, students will be able to use prepositions and prepositional phrases in sentences.

Level: Grade 2

Material:  Slide show, handout etc.


Prepositions of Time (on, in, at)


What is Preposition?

-        A preposition is a word or group of words that show the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence.

-        A preposition is a word – and almost always a very small, very common word that shows direction, location and time. 






§  Day of the week

§  For dates

§  On Monday

§  On 2nd December


§  Months/ Seasons

§  Time of day

§  Year

§  In August /in winter

§  In the morning

§  In 2022


§  For night

§  For weekend

§  With clock time

§  At night

§  At the weekend

§  At 6.30 pm


Prepositions- Place (Position and Direction)





§  Room, building, street, town, country

§  Book, paper etc.

§  Car, taxi

§  Picture, world

§  In the kitchen, in London

§  In the book

§  In the car, in a taxi

§  In the picture, in the world




§  Meaning next to, by an object

§  For table

§  For events

§  Place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work)

§  At the door, at the station

§  At the table

§  At a concert, at the party

§  At the cinema, at school, at work


§  Attached

§  Being on a surface

§  For a certain side (left, right)

§  For a floor in a house

§  For public transport

§  For television, radio

§  The picture on the wall

§  On the table

§  On the left

§  On the first floor

§  On the bus, on a plane

§  On TV, on the radio

Activity 1.1

Complete with preposition using at, in, on

1. ...... night                                                  6. .....the evening

2......Christmas Day                                     7. ....... Tuesday 

3. ..... 05.30 am                                            8. . ...... 8th June   

4... ... May                                                   9. . ....weekends 

5. ..... summer                                             10. ...... Tuesday afternoon


Activity 1.2







 …… Saturday                             ……. Friday                            …… Saturday

2.  Greg’s birthday is …on… Thursday. (On, in at)

3. When is Anna’s birthday? It is …… (In April, in September, in October)

4.  What day will they have a party?    (On Saturday, on Sunday, on Friday)

5. What day dose Greg’s have karate?  (On Saturday, in Saturday)

Discussion:    Do you like surprise Birthday?  Yes, why? No, why?

                        Do you like to play? Yes, why? No, why?

Activity 1.3

Reading                                             Brother & Sister

At spring, my sister and I are going on a holiday. We usually go on March or April, especially in Eastern. This year we are going to Dubai and I have already booked our flights. We will be flying in the 1st of April, 2023 and we will arrive there at the evening.

The last time we travelled was on 2020. But due to pandemic, restrictions and lockdowns, we weren’t able to travel anywhere. My sister wants to go in the summer, but I think Dubai is too hot in summer.

In the first few days, I just want to take things easy and do the things I enjoy. In the morning, we would like to walk around the shopping centers. At noon, we will be having lunch at different restaurants.

In the afternoon, I am planning on going out for walks with my sister to explore new places. At weekends, especially in Sunday, my sister is hoping to get most of her shopping done, because I am going to be busy.


1When are they going on holiday?

2. Where are they going?

3. What date are they leaving?

4. What will they be doing in the morning?

5. When will his sister do all the shopping for the holiday?

Discussion:    Do you like go on a holyday? Yes, why? No, why?

Activity 1.4

Fill in the correct prepositions.

1. My brother’s birthday is ______ the 5th of November.

2. My birthday is ________ May.

3. We are going to see my parents _______ the weekend.

4. ____ 1666, a great fire broke out in London.

Activity 1.5 

Write you’re favorite destination/place?







My experiences on learning English as a second language

  Your experiences on learning English as a second language Language is the best way to communicate with each other. As humans, we all hav...